Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Communication Styles

Communication Style

Q In this module, we discussed the various communication styles prevalent in different cultures across the world. Each communication style is unique and different from each other. In an intercultural interaction, these communication styles play an important role. Post your understanding of the importance of communicating differently among cultures in your own words, and then respond to classmates to compare your classmates understanding with your own. To complete this discussion, answer the following questions: How important is it to communicate differently among cultures? Substantiate your answer with reasons and examples. How can you identify the communications styles? Substantiate your answer with reasons and examples.

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Communication is a two-way process, and both the people involved in the communication need to understand and feel comfortable while communicating. For example, Americans engage in small talks, and Chinese people prefer to discuss with their superiors before deciding. Thus the communication styles vary significantly from one culture to another.